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Top 3 Melee Weapons

Proper Disclaimer. Some of the weapons or frames are hard to get.This is pure opinion and can proceed through the story line without this.

1. Galatine Prime


The Galatine Prime using cleaving whirlwind is still the highest paper DPS stance-based melee weapon in game if you don't factor in rivens. With melee rivens, weapons like the scindo prime and Certain dual swords compete directly with the Galatine prime, at least in terms of single target damage.

2. Atterax


Highest potential AoE damage output. These are overall the most powerful melee weapons in my opinion due to their range and ability to scale so incredibly well in damage thanks to huge flat crit multiplied by blood rush along side with the critical chance mod- Maiming Strike. They will outscale the galatine prime's single-target damage at around a 3.5-4x combo counter due to this interaction

3. Redeemer


Highest DPS charge attacks, the Redeemer can deal giant damage at a good range. The Glaive prime can be cross-wielded with a weapon to prime targets with condition overload, then the glaive can be thrown for incredible damage with a guaranteed slash proc (Just like the pre-nerf Caustacyst).

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